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Prints still available

Edition of 30 - All sizes included | 16 in XS, 10 in S, 3 in M and a single print in L

8 x 12 cm (3,15 x 4,7")
Sold out
20 x 30 cm (7.8 x 11.8”)
Sold out
40 x 60 cm (17.7 x 23.5”)
Sold out
60 x 90 cm (23,5 x 35,5”)
Sold out

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Original signed and numbered print




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Pay online in 4x without fees with PayPal. From 25  / month for this artwork.

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Leasing for this artwork over 12 to 48 months. From 30  / month
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Step 1: Choose A Size


Edition of this artwork
Edition of 30 - All sizes included | 16 in XS, 10 in S, 3 in M and a single print in L

Type of print
C-Print on mat papper

On the back.

Certificate of Authenticity
Yes, included by the gallery.

Year of Creation
2019 - 2023

Fine Art Artist
Clara Diebler

L'oubli de Soi (Self Oblivion)

L'oubli de Soi (Self Oblivion)

L'oubli de Soi (Self Oblivion)

Self Oblivion speaks of inner visions, of observation that are not biased by the gaze of others.

This project invites us to forget ourselves and see how the world is. A world where everything is connected.

It is also a meditation, a few moments stolen from time and space where clouds pass through our entire soul.
Self Oblivion is the world piercing us. The world that calls to us and cries out, "We are one!"

The melancholy associated with it is only the memory of what we have loved.

The black and white film and the double exposure allow a dreamlike entry through the softness of the emulsion and the nostalgic side that emerges from it.

Clara Diebler

Clara Diebler

Born in Paris to a German family, Clara Diebler began experimenting with analog photography at a young age. Driven by curiosity, she superimposed two negatives, unveiling a new world. Using this technique, she crafts an interconnected universe. By blending nudes, portraits, architectural references, and floral motifs, she enhances the synergy between the model and the photographer, those who see and those who perceive. She explores the duality and romantic femininity within every man. Her aesthetic is both feminine and universal, yet singular in its anachronistic, melancholic, raw, and magnificent vision.

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