Artificial Nature

The 10th collection of the project "Who’s That Nude In The Living Room?"

Idan Wizen emphasize the artificiality of the environment and highlight the only natural part: the model.

Few words about this collection

"A snub to those who forget that human nudity is natural"

The Artificial Nature collection of the “Who’s that nude In The Living Room?” project is a colorful collection, in which the model poses on a totally artificial setting: fluorescent green synthetic grass, artificial flowers, grotesque inflatable animals and a blue sky flamboyant made from a roll of paper.

The artist wanted to create a contrast between the artificial side of the scenery, an artificial nature entirely composed of plastic and created from scratch by the human being, and on the other side, the model which on the contrary is in its state the most natural: naked and without artifice.

The objective of this collection is to highlight the artificiality of the environment in which we live while highlighting the only natural part of the photographs: the body. This collection also reminds us that nudity is the natural state of humans.

Artificial Nature is the 10th collection of “Who’s That Nude in the Living Room?” art project which aims to constitute the largest photographic series ever made representing humanity as it is, in its most natural state, its nudity and its diversity. this concept of photographic art aims to bring together thousands of models, volunteers of all ages and from all social categories to constitute a huge gallery of portraits of men and women of today. These photographs, in their multitude and the originality of each one of them, their dynamism and their naturalness, show to universal human beauty, far beyond the restrictive socio-cultural and aesthetic criteria of our time.

The Artificial Nature collection of the “Who’s that nude In The Living Room?” project is a colorful collection, in which the model poses on a totally artificial setting: fluorescent green synthetic grass, artificial flowers, grotesque inflatable animals and a blue sky flamboyant made from a roll of paper.

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Insisting on the artificiality of the environment in which we live while highlighting the only natural part of the photographs: the body.

Artificial Nature

2016 –76 artworks – C Print – Edition of 4 – unique on its size

Each photo is unique just like its model and never touched up. This inevitably challenges us and creates in us a curious feeling of closeness, of belonging. Because these models are all of us.

Feeling like being part of the project also?

Everyone is welcome. You can schedule a photosession in Paris