Body Under Skin

Collective Exhibition at Studio Idan

from October 3 to 31, 2023
43 rue Beaubourg - Paris 3

Arnaud Baumann – Louis Blanc – Graciela Castellano-Saavedera – Marie de Duve – Manon Deck-Sablon – Raul Diaz – Valérie Evrard – Charlie Feraud – Dina Goldstein – Fanny Gosse – Nicolas Maalouly – Luc Masson-Todeschini – Brooke Shaden – Charlotte Skurzak – Idan Wizen – Alain Zimeray

“Under the prism of inclusiveness, gender redefinition or even desexualization, the body becomes central to current societal issues.”

Body Under Skin

Collective Exhibition at Studio Idan – October 2023

“Body Under Skin” is a group exhibition taking place October 2023 at Studio Idan, near the Center Pompidou. It will showcase around fifteen artists, selected vehemently by Luc Masson-Todeschini whose curation is motivated by powerful, evocative works that transcend the boundaries of the traditional perception of the body.

The exhibition is made up of renowned photographers such as Dina Goldstein, Brooke Shaden and Arnaud Baumann; artists on the rise like Louis Blanc, Valérie Evrard or Raul Diaz; without forgetting promising talents like Manon Deck-Sablon or Charlie Ferraud.

The human body and its perception in art may seem like a trivial subject after centuries of discourse. However, under the prism of inclusiveness, gender redefinition or even desexualization, it becomes central to current societal questions.

Artistic diversity aims to answer these questions and offer spectators new perspectives. If these approaches are essential for art, it seemed important to us to pay homage to a more classic representation of the human body which tends to be downgraded due to certain diktats inherent in certain contemporary thoughts.

Photography plays a major role in this collective exhibition but it is not limited to this medium; you will have the pleasure of discovering paintings rich in textures and colors, original sculptures as well as innovative mixed techniques that explore the frontiers of artistic expression.

Our desire to exhibit a wide range of works and artists also makes it possible to offer numerous acquisition possibilities: several hundred works will be available in the catalog at prices ranging from €100 to €7,500. Works by young artists exhibited for the first time as well as rare and unpublished works created here in France.

“Body Under Skin” invites you to reflect on the human body, its beauty, its diversity and its place in our society.

We look forward to welcoming you to our exhibition at Studio Idan, 43 rue Beaubourg, Paris 3, October 2023.

Useful Information :

Art Photography Exhibition from October 3 to 31, 2023
Monday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
43 rue Beaubourg – Paris 3rd


Thursday October 5 from 6 p.m.


Day with the Artists
Sunday October 8 from 2 p.m.


Catch-Up Evening for Those who Missed the Opening
Friday October 20 from 6 p.m.


Information & Acquisitions : /
lmt.1980 (@) / idanwizen (@)


THU 5.10

from 6 p.m.

SUN 8.10

Day with the Artists from 2 p.m.

FRI 20.10

Catch-up Evening
from 6 p.m.