
The 8th collection of the project "Who’s That Nude In The Living Room?"

A photograph inspired by the paintings of the great classic masters

Few words about this collection

"Idan Wizen shows that despite our impressions, the relationship to the artistic nude has changed little over the past centuries."

Pandemonium is a serie inspired by classical painting. The entire collection is titled in Latin to recall the classical universe of past eras but also to provide an explanation and a greater intensity to the work. The title, “Pandemonium” comes from the Greek, it was the capital of the underworld. The artist did not want to talk about the Renaissance, nor the 18th century in particular, but rather take references from Greece or ancient Rome.

The Pandemonium serie aims to underline a paradox: in different past eras, the artistic nude was always accepted, but never seen well. It was something that was tolerated, which was accepted in the eyes of society, which was much more puritanical in terms of its morals than today’s society.

In our current society, sexuality, the place of the body, nudity has been liberated enormously, and yet the artistic nude is still disturbing. It doesn’t really bother others, it bothers me personally. We’re not going to talk about it, we’re not going to pose, dare, hide, as if there was something taboo, dirty, almost demonic. And that’s why the artist really wanted to take up and emphasize that the artistic nude was the point of symmetry between the different eras. In any case, it was tolerated, but often not accepted, regardless of the mores of society.

Pandemonium is the 8th collection of “Who’s That Nude in the Living Room?” art project which aims to constitute the largest photographic series ever made representing humanity as it is, in its most natural state, its nudity and its diversity. this concept of photographic art aims to bring together thousands of models, volunteers of all ages and from all social categories to constitute a huge gallery of portraits of men and women of today. These photographs, in their multitude and the originality of each one of them, their dynamism and their naturalness, show to universal human beauty, far beyond the restrictive socio-cultural and aesthetic criteria of our time.

Pandemonium is a collection inspired by classical painting. The entire collection is titled in Latin to recall the classical universe of past eras but also to provide an explanation and a greater intensity to the work.

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Pandemonium : photography inspired by classical painting

Pandemonium is a collection of the project Who’s That Nude In The Living Room, a collection that respects the same principles as the others of the project. Namely, models who have never posed before (neither in photos, nor naked), they are not casted (everyone can come from the age of 18), and who come for a photo session, where we will keep only one photograph of each individual. There is no retouching, these are authentic photographs of each individual, they are meant to be made into works of art up to very large formats which are 80 x 120 cm, and to be exhibited, in exhibitions, as well as in private homes.

The Pandemonium series takes its references from classical painting. It seeks to show that, despite our impressions, the attitude to the artistic nude has changed little over the past centuries. Posing naked has always been tolerated, but never, in past centuries as now, was considered something harmless.

Posing naked has always been tolerated, but never, in past centuries as now, was considered something harmless


2014/2015 – 200 artworks – C Print – Edition of 4 – unique on its size

Each photo is unique just like its model and never touched up. This inevitably challenges us and creates in us a curious feeling of closeness, of belonging. Because these models are all of us.

Feeling like being part of the project also?

Everyone is welcome. You can schedule a photosession in Paris